Combines Will the 460 produce quality samples IJ


I had a neighbor trade a Gleaner R62 on a Cat 450 and he raises food grade beans and corn and he said that the 450 has more capacity and a better grain sample than the Gleaner. My two cents


it all depends on who is the one sittin in the drivers seat. That has about 95% of what the sample quality will be.


Good combine performance is a combination of a good operator and a good machine. You will be impressed with the grain quality produced by the combination of APS and conventional cylinder with opposed rasp bars and the relatively parallel concave design. This combination gives a nice threshing action and produces good grain quality. Best of all, it really shines when you hit the tougher conditions. Combining this APS threshing system with the higher walker speeds (240RPM) and optional ISS Intensive Separation System gives the lexion 460 high productivity and good grain quality in soybeans.


Hey Farmbuddy! If you are who I think you are, I would like to talk to you. Ive been reading some of you notes. Pretty interesting stuff, but I would rather talk to you on a more personal level. I'm sure we were friends while you were in Cowley County. I'm hoping you can get my e-mail address from this and will respond soon. Glad to hear you are still doing Farm Shows. Sorry I used this talk show to send this message but I didn't know how else to do it. Would love to visit, it;s been several years. Have you figured out who I am yetIJ Hope to hear from you by e-mail becuse I probably won't be able to find this site again. Don't do much w_ computers. It sure made for interesting reading. I'm glad I stumbled on to it. Have a good day! lP from AC


Hey lP in AC, send me your email address direct. fyi, The evolution the SF project is progressing forward. The XGCS program is gaining momentum.