Will 2012 be a watershed year?


by Harry Siemens
Siemens Says - It most certainly could be if we make decisions that focus on going forward, that keep ?Self? in the background, and where leadership comes from within: From within a heart that knows no other leadership but the Creator Himself.2011 was clearly a watershed year for me because I made some life-changing decisions that focused on at least those three I mentioned in the first paragraph. Without going into detail, those three things have changed how I look at God, family, work, and life.
I recently read how a person listed this as one of the most liberating secular proverbs he had ever read. ?For every strength there is a weakness, and for every weakness, a strength.?
It reminded me of a church looking for a pastor because their current one had some faults and some weaknesses. So, they were now looking for a person whose strengths were the weaknesses of their current pastor, but refused to look at the strengths of their current pastor.
The secret to making 2012 another watershed year for me is to make sure the weaknesses I?ve corrected remain my strengths and that my current strengths don?t turn into weaknesses.

Read more at http://www.siemenssays.com/blog/7104.html