Combines setting R40 for wheat


Book setting is fine - IF you have too many unthreshed heads install concave filler strips after first checking to see if concave is level and clearance settings are correct. Many times when the concave says "0" it is still at 3_8" or so. We bale our straw , however in recent years we just clip the heads off the wheat then come back with mower conditioner and cut about 6" high and windrow. Running the concave clearance a little wide and adding filler strips will maintain the longest straw while still threshing satisfactorly. Early morn and late evening harvesting also will result in less straw break up .


thanks tbran i think i b okay with the book settings i just dont want the straw all chewed up like the machines with choppers do that is messy baling then thanks again. if i get my new book in time i never got one last year after the witner before mice found it on my shelf in a box with other manuals and made a big mess. dairyfarmer