Combines Why buy a conventional combine


We traded for a used 9600 last summer and considered a C-IH, a few neighbors have them and I know they are a good combine. Both have their good and bad points, what it finally came down to was the fact I'am 6 miles from a good JD dealer w_excellent parts_service. I'am 30 miles from a so-so red dealer and 45 miles from a good red dealer. If I break down I can go get the part, repair it and be back cutting before I could even get back from the red dealer. As for grain quality I dont grow food grade crops, so I dont get a premium for less crackage. In fact our 9600 had a lot better sample than our 7720 ever had. I tell people I'll buy a red one when they put a dealer back in our town.


Turbo, One reason for buying a conventional is straw quality, A rotor machine is just too hard on the straw and there are people out there that want to sell their wheat and_or barley straw for as much money as they can get. Bryan