Recent content by Otis_68

  1. Skunked

    Anyone else here been skunked?
  2. Skunked

    Yeah, time is a dependable solution, but it takes a while. Bathing a cat never leads to anything but the bather getting scratched up. I've heard a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish detergent works best.
  3. Skunked

    Ah, good point about the peroxide and Dawn.
  4. Skunked

    I'd always heard of using tomato juice. Never heard of orange juice for skunk odor. Glad it worked.
  5. Skunked

    Who here's been sprayed by a skunk? Any amusing stories about you or someone you know who's been skunked? What'd you use to remove the smell, and how long did you have to stay in the barn until you didn't stink anymore?