Recent content by Syd. L

  1. Syd. L

    Racial Inequalities

    Whether your agricultural experience is in the city or country, big or small, do you find racial issues in agriculture? There are some issues at the top in Washington, but are you seeing any down here on the ground floor?
  2. Syd. L

    Gonzaga and UCLA

    I saw the highlight today. I'm not much of a basketball fan, but endings like this are always fun to watch. I hope they go all the way.
  3. Syd. L

    The frequency of soil testing

    This is a complicated question. A local extension office can be very valuable here. If you have a simple, one crop type of operation, once every few years should be fine.
  4. Syd. L

    70 Year Overgrown Blueberries in the NorthEast

    Yeah, pruning something won't make it not grow anymore. If that were the case, rose bushes would be in trouble. I would start small though. Don't cut it all back right away. It might be too late in the season though, depending on your location.
  5. Syd. L

    DIY Concrete Cutting

    Can someone give me more You Tube or website suggestions that teach or show how to cut concrete? I'm looking to re-do a cinder block wall to make an entrance for easier access to my detached garage.
  6. Syd. L


    I'm a numbers nerd, so I have no issues here. It has to be late at night though when there is no sound to distract me.
  7. Syd. L

    Red Ant Solution

    Whatever works I guess. I'm no pest control expert, but have you looked into any possible negative effects to the soil by putting that into it?
  8. Syd. L

    Winter storm warning

    With us, it's the opposite. Temperatures are on the rise and I doubt we'll see winter make one last stand as it's April now. Putting the winter clothes in the back closet.
  9. Syd. L

    Processed commodities

    I would only consider it for local business only. If a turkey operation burned to the ground, there would be an opportunity that just opened up. If it simply went out of business, then the demand obviously dried up and I wouldn't try.
  10. Syd. L

    The theoretical aspect of farming

    I only experiment, doing the theoretical, when I feel like "going outside the box". Practical is the most profitable, but theoretical can be fun too.
  11. Syd. L

    Spring Cleaning

    Everyone is automatically thinking about inside your home, aren't you? LOL But what do you have in mind for the outside? Do you have dead trees? Cobwebs in the barn? Anything else that needs attention? Take a look.......tis the season.
  12. Syd. L

    Fermented apples

    Well, if you ferment grapes in the right way it makes wine. Fermented apples are a little different, but the outcome is kind of the same. Pickled cucumbers come to mind in regards to the process of repurposing fruits and vegetables. Sorry I'm being vague about this, but it's all I know about it. :)
  13. Syd. L

    Tornado Preperations

    All the important paperwork should be in a safe deposit box in a bank, or with trusted family members. There are times when all the time you have in a tornado is to save yourself.
  14. Syd. L

    Digging a borehole

    The terrain is the biggest factor. How far you have to dig before you hit the water is another, and those two factors play off each other.
  15. Syd. L

    Do pigs always destroy land?

    Take the value of the land versus how much pigs will root it to near extinction to make sure the value of pigs outweighs the value of the land. Cost/benefit analysis.