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  1. vmvalenc

    Where do you get info about new Agriculture Technologies? (let's start a discussion)

    Thank you to everyone for your valuable information it will definitely help us in finding out more about our awesome customers. check us out at What's wrong with ag-tech | Rakr and please add your opinions to some of our interesting topics
  2. vmvalenc

    Where do you get info about new Agriculture Technologies? (let's start a discussion)

    I don't think they do the magazine anymore. They moved their articles to their website/blog free of charge so even better for us! Thanks for the help, I'd like to see if you have some interesting points you'd like to add to some topics on our website What's wrong with ag-tech | Rakr
  3. vmvalenc

    Where do you get info about new Agriculture Technologies? (let's start a discussion)

    This is good info, thank you! With your expertise, I'd like to ask your opinion on some topics on our website What's wrong with ag-tech | Rakr
  4. vmvalenc

    Where do you get info about new Agriculture Technologies? (let's start a discussion)

    Thanks, Sam! After your advice ill be sure we use SF more often now. I'd like to get your opinion on some topics if you're interested
  5. vmvalenc

    Where do you get info about new Agriculture Technologies? (let's start a discussion)

    Where do you get your information about new technologies? Twitter, forums, newsletters? Are there certain people you love following, if so, who? How did you find the current technologies on your farms today? My friends and I make solutions that help increase efficiency and give you more...