Combines Rear feed conveyor floor R72


Our feeder floor had not worn out yet but we went and got one of NDDAN's kits for dropping the feeder floor 2" under the drum and it sure improved the feeding in all our crops especially canola. We can now run to power on all crops instead of to feeder capacity, when you look at the machine and see what the kit does it makes so much sense, I would recomend it to anyone, I can't see any downside to this.You can see it on their web site I think is the site.


We were only tilting down front of rear feed floor by 1" but adding that to removing hump from that floor you could get nearly 2". As of the last six monthes this has changed to get a better and more refined transition between feed chains even at the lowest cutting heights. This all started when I went over to Australia to spend a couple weeks with a very good friend and very ambitious hot rod Gleaner owner (JR). We were able to plug his R75 feeder while cutting very low to the ground. With some discussion with a couple good Aussie dealers the wheels started turning in JRs head. He wouldn't leave me alone until I finished installing first proto type of improved feed transition system and then second proto system. Both systems work like a million bucks. The easier of the two systems uses the same floor tilt kit I've been producing with a few changes in dementions to make even better transition between chains at the lowest posible cutting heights and is easier to install. like they say in Australia (No Worries). If you installed earlier kit I'm sure you will see no reason to take back apart once you gave it a try. I'm not so sure that the plugging JR had when I was there wasn't the 7" rear drum with tention strap in rear hole problem I made mention to awhile back. Don't matter for I believe we now have it as fine tuned as a couple old blacksmiths can make it. Have a good one!!!