Combines Feb Corn


What did the corn test. Cool flags btw! Any problem with melting frost causing feeding problems in the headIJ


17%, bushel wieght is only 49lbs. but that was the norm for most of the corn this year around here. No mud, ground is still froze, but that might change tonite with all the rain we are supposed to get. Head worked great, I don't miss the old days, before knife rolls and Hyd. adjustalbe deck plates.


Thanks for posting. Still harvesting to be done here in South Central Kansas, mostly cotton. My cotton is stripped, sitting in modules at the end of a very wet field. My neighbor's cotton is being stripped, but they can't get going again because of the rain, snow, sleet and ice we've had lately. The custom stripper has none of his 300 or so acres stripped yet. The gin is shut down bacause they have all the cotton finished that was sitting at the gin yard and they can't get any more out of the fields. I heard there was still 20% of the cotton to be stripped in KS, OKlA and the TX Panhandle. Talked to a friend in Eastern KS the other day who got TWO acres of wheat drilled before it got even wetter. Could be an interesting spring here. Glad you got finished. WC


WOW!!! You really do have a New Holland combine if you are still combining corn in the middle of February!!!


WOW!!!!!!!! birdhunter, what kind of machine should I be using, by your remarks on the Gleaner page they are no good either. So tell us whats the "best"IJIJ If I would have known that posting what I did would get a followup like that, I never would have posted. Sorry my brand of combine offends you birdhunter, If NH bothers you that much maybe you shouldn't be reading this forum.


I like to read this forum for the humor-- like someone thinking that posting pics of combining corn in the middle of feb in central Wisconsin isn't going to get a reaction.