Combines Chopper spread width


Is your chopper of the vintage with the dual knives with molded wings and adjustable tailboard floor, or does your chopper have the single, straight bladesIJ Better yet, what year is your 480RIJ A new chopper came out last year for all lexions and it spreads a good 30' and often times more (there is no other chopper on the market, from a combine mfg. that can spread 30'). I replaced the chopper that I had on my 485R so that I could spread across the width of the my 36' MacDon 972 and I can often times hit 36' with it in most conditions. The new chopper consists of an updated drive, completely new housing, drum and knives, with adjustment added to the rear section of the floor to adjust spread widths between 30' and 36'.


Machine is a 2003 model and I think the main problem is not enough force to through stubble the distance we need. Thanks for you info.


Redekop is now making a new chopper called MAV. It is supposely spreading up to 50 ft, while using less horsepower. They built the wide spread choppers for CAT the last few years. You can reach Redekop at


If you have the latest chopper version, equipped with dual hooked blades, you will be able to achieve ample spread. Check with your dealer.


We had the wide spread chopper on our 2001, it worked well the first year, probably low 30s, but we had problems plugging it in tough conditions. In 2002 they came out with an update which extended the deflector board back a few inches, this helped with plugging, but now our spread was reduced by 5-10ft., the straw was coming off the chopper at an angle such that it would hit the deflector board before ejection and be redirected downwards, this was easy to see because of where the paint was wearing. In 2003 they came out with an additional update to change the angle at which the straw would exit the chopper, preventing it from being thrown up into the deflector board, it just amounted to a couple of blocks, it worked wonders for our spread, we were back up into the 30-36ft. range depending on conditions, hope this has helped. Are you combining at the momentIJ How do you like it in wheatIJ