Combines 4420 Cleaner sample in beans


I don't know a whole lot about getting better samples , but here are a few suggestions that may end up helping you . If you are having trouble with beans still in the pod try increasing your cylinder speed slightly or close your concave until the beans start to crack then back it off 1_2 to 1_4 of a turn . Try one at a time so you know which is working for you . Also for a cleaner sample try starting with how much you are running thru your tailings . On my 7700 I try to run as much talings as I can without overloading the auger . Also you may want to increasing the fan speed , but be sure to check that your not blowing grain out the back . Again try one at a time so you know whats working for you . Also the with the beans staying in the pods we had that problem last year and couldn't adjust it out because of the season we had and the pods just wouldn't open up . This was a problem several different operators in our area experienced . Hope you find something in this useful .