Combines 470 470R


We have had a set of both. There are big differences in the concave and rotors. The 470R has a wire concave, what makes it great for corn and wire concaves under the rotors, too, that separate much better than the older 470. The new rotors have paddles instead of the horizontal bars, a little hard to describe without seeing it. The 470R also comes with the fine cut and wide spread chopper and the stronger rear axle. As far as capacity goes, I had the 470R running side by side with a 9650 STS in lodged wheat for several days. The lexion was pushing a 36'MacDon, the Deere a 30'auger head. The STS did about 2 acres per hour more than the lexion. The Deere also used considerably less fuel and had a cleaner sample. In corn the 470R was going 3.5mph in 190bu corn, had a decent sample and little grain loss.