Combines 9895 is here


We got that letter also but I haven't called them yet to find out what it is. On the elec motor closing your sieves: we ran into the same problem. Make sure you do a calibration open and closed then try to reset your sieve to whatever n you want and see if it stays. I think what we did was to try and set it from the ground with the machine off and that screwed up the computer. I can't really remember exactly what steps we did in what order to get it to stay at the correct setting. Send me an email and I'll shoot you a n of a guy up in your area that knows these things inside and out. He's the one that came down and helped me get mine straightened out. He works with the main Agco factory. oliverobbie at


Riceman, I tryed to send you an email tonight,but it bounced back to me. Mine is ilgleaner at Thanks for your help. IG


How are you liking the A-85 compared to your R series machineIJ What are the pros and cons of the changeIJ Is the axial as simple as they seem or are there hidden things to deal withIJ I sure like the feeder, unloader and the straw chopper options. We have not run one yet but are begining to feel the R series has maybe run its course unless Agco comes up with some real changes to some of the feeding and straw management issues.


GM, The capacity compared to my R75 is huge. I have only run it in wheat,and the Draper feeds well all the time. But its alot bigger combine. love the unloader. I had the turrent on my 75 and HATED it. The copper in the middle,spreading the residue is nice. I didnt have problems before I got the fine cut chopper,in my 75 ,had alot of trouble. I am trying it,there are advantages of it,but when I have run a season in corn beans and wheat,I will see then. If Agco wont go any bigger then the 75 with the Natural Flow,I guess we have no choice,in Agco then this. But as it stands now,I would say this will be my last Gleaner,I can buy an Axial Flow combine alot closer to home then where I buy my Gleaners.I would say it will be a Case or Deere next. I went with a Macdon draper and Gernhoff corn head so I can make the switch easier.I am a true Gleaner man at heart and if they take what I have had for 20 years,I wont support them any longer. I am at a point where I need this size combine. IG