African Violets


Farm Hand
I really love the beautiful color of African violets. I'm going to try to grow a couple in the house, but I've heard that they are fussy plants. Do you all have suggestions or advice on how to care for them so they stay healthy and bloom? If I can successfully take care of a couple, I'll invest in some more to sell later on. I just want to get comfortable with the plant first.

Urban Homestead

Bean Stalker
They are the easiest blooming houseplant to grow in my opinion. Their flowers come in so many different colors and they can be quite striking. One of the major things to keep in mind with African violets is that you shouldn't let water get on the leaves. If you do, they'll have unsightly spots and sometimes that leaf will turn to mush. It's not usually something that kills the plant, though. They need to sit in a sunny window or near a lamp to bloom. I've read books that state a violet won't bloom readily from just a light fixture but mine has.