Combines Air Reels


I have the AWS system wouldn't be without it, by far the simplest and most effective. Had other systems before they don't even compare.


Ran a Crary system before purchasing an AWS system on a second combine. I much prefer the AWS system over the Crary. An Air reel will pay for itself several times over in one year if conditions are right. Short crops really make an air reel shine.


Where can i get information on the AWS systemIJ Thanks in advance.......


The website for AWS is also check out the Crary Website I just recently purchased the CWS air system from crary and the price I paid was 1700.00 less than the AWS System I was quoted both systems looked very similar so I went with the crary system.


I priced both systems as well on JD 9500 with a 25' flex AWS $6350.00 U.S. Funds CWS $6405.00 U.S. Funds looked at both systems first hand I felt the AWS was definitely the better of the two systems. Where did you get your CWSIJ


I purchased the CWS from my local JD Dealer I live relitivly close to where they are made so I think the CWS was 200.00 cheaper beacause of freight the the other 1500 was just savings on the system and by the was Jeff the reason for your post on hear knocking the crary system is I know you are the sales rep for AWS because I talked to you about getting one and yea the "list" price is probally more but the "price" I actually paid was considerably less money just but the AWS system is overpriced don't try to tell everyone it is better because they are both very similar.


Your neighbor is right! I suggest ordering your 8000 series head sans the factory reel and order an air reel. We've run Crary air reels since '89. In fact we still use the '89. I can't say Crary is any better than the others because we've never had any others. However, ours have performed very well. There are a lot of air reels in our area on all colored machines. I've yet to see anyone switch back to standard reel after running an air reel. Brian


The kind he has is (aws) and you still use the conventional reel in down and tangled crops (to lift it slightly) and the air takes over when the crop hits the cutterbar. You change air direction from the cab. Does the Crary work like that alsoIJ Thank You, Blue


Crary also makes a model like the AWS. I suspect they did so in response to the AWS or Keho models. A neighbor put a Crary wind system like the AWS reel on his JD 30ft flex. He loved it. last year we traded for a new 830 flex. We ordered it without the standard reel. Result, I think we have about $3,800 into Crary above standard reel price. Not sure how that matches up with AWS price. Good luck


I've only been around Crary so can't say anything about other makes. I would say that an air reel is one of the best things since sliced bread. I was hoping the HCC level 2 reel with hose trick and or hump kit would be the answer but there is just no match to an air reel. I do really like the HCC level 2 reel and it might just be the ticket for me with the air manifold ahead of reel. We'll have to set one up like that soon. Got to love the way these machines will work if fed nice even when fog has set in. Good luck.