Combines any 2344 s aroundIJ


My cousin has one that he bought new in 2000, runs a 6 row corn head and a 1020 20' flex head on it and gets along really well with it. Another neighbor has 1 that he runs a 6 row corn head and a 1020 25' flex head.


We have 1. We bought it last fall. It around 677hrs on the seperating hrs and around 700 on the engine hrs. this is the 1st year that we have used it. We really liked it. We got a 1063 ploysnouts and it will pick corn as fast as the head will take it in. We was picking some corn at around 4-5mph. We got a 17.5ft 1020 flex head for it. It picks right along with it on. That combine really needs a 20ft or 25ft. I wouldn't go with anything bigger than a 25ft. Dealer told us that is the biggest it could probly handle. The combine has really done good. Picking corn we finished about 2.5-3 weeks faster than our Gleaner F2 w_4row. We got 1 field done in 2.5days and that gleaner would of taken at least 6-7 days if nothing went wrong. So we are really pleased with it. Has a really nice cab. lONG UNlOADING AUGER ON THIS COMBINE. was about 15ft away from the truck when unloading. Also the auger comes out far enough that you can see it from the seat. On the old gleaner you had to bend over to see if you were going to run over or not. Really like that Overall its a really great combine justin


I have an '97 2144 with 2600 hrs and it is a good machine. i run a 1063 with poly snouts and a 17.5 grain head. i have a field tracker and could probably put a 22' head on it if my fencerows had wider openings between them. There are times when i could use more power on the hills we have but averall this is a good solid machine. i put about 1200 acres a year through it.