Becoming more common?

Petal to the Metal

Golden Chicken
Have you guys noticed an upswing in the number of people who run a hobby farm? It feels like there's a real movement to get back to our roots.

Pinewood Acres

Farm Hand
I haven't seen more farming going on than usual, but that's probably because I live in such a rural area of the Midwest. I've noticed that shopping local and buying directly from farmers has become trendy. It's been a big boon to my area.

Syd. L

Farm Hand
You see a bunch of that in a town near where I live. Backyards, vacant lots used for small gardens. There's even a guy there who has a small yard and one goat. For whatever reason he wants the goat to be the one cutting, or eating the grass.


Farm Hand
I don't think I've noticed more farming in particular, but like Pinewood Acres, buying locally has become a huge trend. Our local grocery stores always make it a point to let people know when they're selling produce that's locally grown.

Andrew T

Farm Hand
It does seem like people are trying to grow more of their own produce and herbs these days. Even my friends and family who don't live on farms are trying their hand at growing things to use in their own kitchens. I think a lot of people want to get back to our roots.