C-18 Passes Final Commons Vote


Junior Member
The legislation to end the Canadian Wheat Board's single desk received final approval from the House of Commons Monday evening.
Voting to a continuous applause, the Conservatives carried Bill C-18 through with a 153-120 vote.


Junior Member
From Kenton Possberg and the www.wheatgrowers.ca

One of the most memorable moments of my life thus far.

Very few board supporters there. Most of the CWB directors were there. In fact would venture to guess most if not all of pro monopoly delegation were there on someone else's nickel.

There must have been at least 60 of us there. When it came time to vote on the bill, all conservatives were clapping and cheering, becoming an ovation when coming to Ritz / Anderson’s turn to vote. At end of vote standing ovation. When results announced another standing O, and all of us in gallery gave standing O as well (which is really not allowed but security made exception). Never witnessed a vote with so much emotion. Even Harper was hooting.

After vote we met in senator room and Harper and many MP’s stopped by. Harper gave speech and was visibly moved by finally succeeding in this battle. We all had a chance to chat with him.

I cannot say enough about the huge turn out on such short notice on our side.

A truly historic event, that will be remembered for a very long time.
