Cat shelters

Almost Eden

Bean Stalker
I was looking for ways too keep my barn cats warm and ran across a list of both commercial and DIY cat shelters at the Alley Cat Allies website. Have you guys tried any of these? I've bought a couple of the commercial houses and disliked both of them. I'm surprised they don't get harsher reviews.

The K&H Outdoor Heated Kitty House doesn't get warm enough. It only heats on the bottom, not at the sides. A heating pad works better in my opinion. It's basically a fabric shelter with some plastic backing. It will blow in the wind easily. It's tiny inside. It isn't weatherproof at all. It looks and feels cheap. It's easy to spot clean and put together. These go on sale all the time, so it's worth checking camelcamelcamel before you buy.

The Ark Workshop Outdoor Cat House claims to be weatherproof, but it isn't, not even if you spring for the one with an overhang. You screw the top on and water leaks in through that. It's too tall and it's not wide enough. It isn't warm inside. It feels like a well-made shelter and it's easy to clean though.


Farm Hand
Thanks for that information! We are actually looking for something new to put in the barn. I won't be buying either of those.
We are probably just going to make our own and not buy one. I'm going to start looking for plans.