Combines chopping up bean plumage


I just saw an ad in the Corn Farmer magazine for a product called "The Disrupter". It says that it fits all Case IH Axial flow combines to stop roping in green stem soybeans. It consists of nine 3_4-inch-thick steel lugs with a hard-faced cutting edge that protrudes 3_4 inches to bolt into the keystock grate section of the rotor. As the straw swings past the sharped lugs, the cutting and shredding occurs. It seems like a logical solution to me. Has anyone had any experience with this productIJ Their address is Estes Manufacturing Co., P.O. Box 397, 102 S. Jefferson, Flanagan, Il 61740 (800_235-4461 list price is $359.


I have the distrubuter installed in my 2188. I also put a set of rice bars on the rear of the specialty rotor above the grates where the distributer lugs where istalled. The lugs worked, don't get any rumble out of the rotor when going through green stems or wet stuff. Doesn't take any more horsepower. It is well worth the money. The rice bars for the rear of the specialty rotor will cost you the most. They have a raised lug on them to act more aggresively against the lugs.