Climate Change And Global Warming

Jonny B Goode

Farm Hand
So, everyone here who wants to chime in...….what is your personal definition of either or both terms? We hear so much about them but without any clear definitions.


Golden Chicken
In plain man's terms, global warming is how we define the gradual, yet continuous warming of the earth which is mostly caused by man. That gradual, yet relentless warming, is harming the animals, plants, microbes, fungi, people, and all other living things, because it causes climate change.

I 100% know that global warming is a real problem that we have the ability to control, yet won't. My plants are acting all weird outside by coming up to early. My cat had a tick in January. None of that is normal. I know our grandparents can site similar oddities that happened back in their day, but they still remember it because it was so odd. For us, this is the new normal. It's not a one-off. My plants are coming up earlier and earlier and they're dying off earlier and earlier too as they can't take the heat. I wish the USDA would draw new maps.


Farm Hand
Climate change is just that: A change in the climate. The last ice age was caused by a change in the climate. It happens. The climate goes through cycles from where it's good for other life forms to bad, then back to good. Antarctica is a perfect example of this.

Yes, man makes a difference. It would be hard for me to believe we don't, but climate change would happen anyway.

Petal to the Metal

Golden Chicken
Climate change would happen anyway, but not at the catastrophic rate it is now. When the earth warms up or cools down slowly, living organisms can adapt and evolve to survive in their new environment. That's not what we're seeing though. I'm like Hank Hill from King of the Hill. Texas (well, California for me) is already dang hot. And it doesn't need to get any hotter. Well, that's the gist of it at least. I'd quote directly, but there's some curse words in the mix.