Combines Combining Corn How early


I dont see why you cant combine now, but keep in mind you will end up paying thru the nose for drying charges!!. If the corn is in good shape ,stalk wise_standability,not droppin ears, I would wait and take it off after thanksgiving. Barring any major wind storms you will be money ahead by waiting.


Thanks for your reply, I have a silo and will be drying it myself.


Such conditions are quite common here in Ontario. We prefer to harvest our corn in the 21-24% moisture range but its not uncommon to take later planted long season corn off in the 26-28% range. It drastically slows the drying process and uses more fuel so costs are highter.( although we can dry for 1_3-1_2 the commercial rates so you may be money ahead still). If you have the patience to wait and the crops in good shape , i would still wait.


Bear in mind that if you handshell a sample, combined corn or any other crop for that matter will usually test 1-2 % higher. You get all the less mature grain as well and not just the Good looking stuff. What type of "silo"IJ If you want high moisture corn for feed, NOW is the time. Waiting will be too dry for proper fermentation or whatever it does to keep. If you have heat and high air flow, MAYBE, still a little wet. No heat, TOO WET. No big fan on the bin, you need 18-20% and lOTS of time. HTH Rob.


I have a 10,000 bu grain bin, up to 3,000,000 btu gas dryer with 20 hp fan, I also have a double auger stirator system. Walked through a field tonight, looks like the inner part is drier than the edges. Tops are starting to come off. Been a dry summer, had corn in at beginning of May, only have about a 60% crop, so I don't want it to fall apart on me while I'm away. last year I waited until Nov and had heavy rotor loss from the corn splattering when it hit the snapping rollers. May try a round this weekend and see how it goes. Sorry should have said grain bin instead of silo, will be keeping it as grain not silage. Mike


Heck yes you can combine it! We've cut corn so wet that we had yellow "snot" all over everything. WI Farm Progress in '93 - Gleaner and Axial Flow were cutting corn that tested 42% - Deere refused. We typically do most of our corn as high moisture in the 26 - 32% range. But most of that is ensiled for cattle feed. You'll notice more kernal damage the wetter it is, but you'll have no problem getting it through the head and combine. like the other guy said, watch out for drying costs. Final test weight will be lighter too when drying from high moisture levels. Good luck- Tom langan


One more interesting sidebar to Pa corn harvests. We have a severe whitetail deer problem. If we would let corn stand until dry, there would be no need to harvest. My advice, is simple, go get it. Corn in bin is a known, corn standing in field with bad stalks, lots of deer, and possible heavy storms, totally unknown, maybe nothing left until late Nov.