Combines concave pinch setting


Just a wild guess,but I would say it probably doesn't make a whole lot of difference on large seeded crops like corn and beans.Wheat,oats, and grass seed different story.JD and NH use the round bar concaves in their corn_bean machines,and I doubt there is a lot of accuracy there as far as pinch point.You didn't mention about changing concave setting or rotor speed.Good luck;my advice is worth what you paid for it.


Did you check that the concaves are level to the rotorIJ leave the middle concave out and measure the gap from the rasp bars to the front concave and compare to the rear concave. My pinch point is the 7th bar from the left not counting the concave extensions. Are your cobs soft or spongyIJ My corn settings have been 300 to 350 rotor, concave at 3. On beans I use cover plates over 1st convave, 700 rotor, concave at 4. Shoe settings by the book. Good luck!


We found that the pinch point is somewhat critical on our 1680. I don't remember where it was set though. We put the veins in slow position for corn.


Correction: Do count the bars on the concave extension. I quote my 2166 Operators Manual: "The initial position for the concave is with the 8th concave bar from the left closest to the rotor. When unthreshed heads become a problem, the concave position can be adjusted to the right, moving the 7th concave bar closer to the rotor than the 8th concave bar." I hope this helps! CMC