Combines Concaves


Where is the trash building up onIJ..Is it green trash that is blocking up the concaveIJ What type of concave do you have corn or small grain. If you have a couple bent places the grain will still flow thru. Wheat is your hardest crop to thrash. Oats is easy. Beans need rotor speed with concave set tight and lower as beans get dryer. Corn is fun to harvest. JK


We harvest alot of high moisture corn for dairy farms so some of the the plants are green yet some of the build up is damp husks. We also have trouble with oat straw building up on the concave even when we tighten the concave up. We run a large wire concave with every other wire out for corn. I installed disrupters on my keystocks last fall for corn and still had rotor loss in some varieties over 150bu. I have tried many different settings and can't get rid of the problem. I have a spec. rotor wish I still had my standard rotor. We are wondering if a Kruchar concave will help. Any suggestions would be great.


If you want to get closer to your old standard rotor you could install some gordon bars on the specialty rotor. Just a thought


I have a standard rotor out of my 1660 that I replaced with an AFX rotor. Will consider selling the standard rotor. e-mail me JK


combines in southern indiana are set up with specialty rotors, but part of the bars are straight bars...service men demand them as all specialty bars do not satisfy the farmer.