FDA Approved COVID Vaxx - You In?


Farm Hand
Is anyone else shocked that the FDA approved the COVID-19 vaccination so quickly? I have friends and family who are hoping to get vaccinated as soon as possible while I'm more cautious. What about you? Are you in or out?


Farm Hand
I never got the flu shot and never got the flu. No, I'm not going to get a Covid vaccine.

If someone gets a Covid vaccine shot, they should get a share in the company that made that vaccine. If companies did that, you can bet most everyone would get a shot.


Farm Hand
I think I read something where they were going to give you a stimulus check if you got the vaccine.

Honestly I do think that I WILL get it. I'm not elderly or a front-line worker so I won't be first. I'm not surprised that the FDA approved it already. I think it's pretty much all that the drug companies have been working on.


Golden Chicken
Well honestly I really have not thought this through completely. I'm still on the fence on my decision. I did get the flu shot for years (mandated as I worked in a hospital). The day I quit, I never got another one. COVID-19 is much worse than the flu. I do think I will end up getting the vaccination, I'm just not sure when.


Farm Hand
I just saw that a NY nurse was the first person to get the vaccine (today). I should say the first non-trial vaccine. I don't know how many other people got it today but she was the first.

To answer the question, YES I am going to get it as soon as it is available to me.