Combines Fieldstar


If you want to map and save info dump it and go with Ag leader. My Opinion


Don't know about the office software or mapping features - don't have that with ours, but the newer Fieldstar monitor software is sure better than the early ones. Moisture, yield, etc shows an actual number rather than those hard-to-read bar graphs. That, and they did away with the extremely annoying "No data card" beeper that would go off every time you started cutting after having the clutches off - the one that sounded exactly like the Tattletale beeper and would put the fear of the Almighty in you thinking something just broke until you got used to the stupid thing going off each time.


I strongly suggest Agleader. Great hardware, software, and support. Agleader products also interface with lots of rate controllers, monitors, etc... I believe FieldStar will soon be ISOBUS thus be a virtual terminal as long as everything you hook it to is ISOBUS...that will be nice. However for now I beieve the Agleader will be a better investment.