Getting old and adapting


Farm Hand
We are planning on building some raised bed and off-the-ground-beds this year.

At 67 I can still use a shovel and get down on my knees (I make my living that way) but it is not as easy as it used to be and I have to push myself back up.


Chocolate Milk Cow
Age catches up with all of us, and we have to adapt. This summer my wife and I sold our 102 acre farm and moved to a smaller property (9 acres) with a smaller house. We had given up our goat milk operation several years ago, after feed prices tripled and I had 3 back operations, and my wife was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. We found homes for most of our livestock, even our 15 horses. Neither of us can ride anymore. None of our livestock were sold, all went to loving homes. We can manage 9 acres better than 102 acres. I don't make my own hay anymore, but we do have a very large garden and are expanding it for next year. In the spring we will go back to having chickens for eggs, but we'll have a small flock, because we won't have an egg business anymore. We will be doing small scale homesteading, instead of commercial farming like we used to. It broke our hearts to seel our large farm, but we just can't maintain it anymore.