Go-to flowers to deter pests

Almost Eden

Bean Stalker
Flowers not only draw pollinators to the yard, but some of them also deter pests. French marigolds are great for warding off destructive nematodes and whiteflies. Chrysanthemums actually contain their own insecticide (pyrethrin),so they're great for repelling fleas, ticks, flies, and other insects. Cosmos are known for fending off the corn earworm. I don't use insecticides, so I thought I'd share what has worked for me over the years. Do you have any to add? I'd love to hear about it.


Farm Hand
Garlic is actually useful for repelling many types of bugs. Garlic can repel carrot root flies, root maggots, coddling moths, and Japanese beetles. It may sound a bit odd, but you can plant garlic near your roses to keep aphids from eating them.