Combines grain loss on 9500


What crop are you having the loss inIJ wheat, beans, cornIJIJIJIJ


I am losing grain in both corn and soybeans. Both of them bounce across the top of the sieves and out the back end.


We were finally told after many tests and adjustments from the dealer to speed up!!! Final word from a JD rep told our dealer to have us start going faster across the field! This was on a 9600 tho, which I had the same problem. Did not have a problem with the 9500. It did help tremendously altho still lost some corn last fall. Still have not been able to stop losing grain in the wheat harvest. It did do ok in the beans last fall though.


Open the pre cleaner more unless your sample in the grain tank is too dirty. put on more fan speed. I wonder if you aren't getting too much trash on the chafferIJIJIJ I had some luck by putting the inserts in the concave. Are you breaking the cob and getting them in the chafferIJIJ Deere wants broken cobs but I went to the school of hard knocks and set a combine for full cobs coming out if at all possible. last year the crop conditions were really bad and we had to slow down a bit due to the trash and very wet corn. but in 25% or less moisture corn I never had a chaffer loss


Under the rear of the precleaner and at the front of the front chaffer sections, is an opening which allows air to spill from under the precleaner. This robs the sieves of air, and you may not be able to get enough air under the chaffer to open it wide enough to let your crop thru without trashing. This air also can blow across the top of the chaffer, pushing grain to the rear too quickly. Suggest you hang a piece of belting about 9" wide under the rear of the precleaner to keep this air in.