Combines harvest crew search


Hello look for Thomason Harvesting from EldoradK(its arround Altus where some cutter start there season) You have to talk to Mike or RE Thomason. For Sandl Farms you have to look for Scott Payne at some searchmachines and you will find some info and his Webside. I Iwish you good luck to find a nice crew with nice trailors like Thomasons Trailors. They have DVD-Video-Big showers-nice beds-and nice and big Kitchen. ask Big Truck how it was in the trailors from Altendorf. Me and my friend changed 2 crews and we would go again with Thomason. It s allmost like a family.


Deerehunter, Go with a crew who have nice shiny campers and well polished "newish" trucks and you will be running used combines and be on a flat rate of $1600 to $1900_month no matter what hours you work. With Altendorfs,Yes the campers are old and a little "tatty" but everything works. Yes some of the trucks are "well worn" but you will run brand new STS's every season and have the potential to take home $4000 in a very good month, I know where I would be "laying my hat"!!!!


is it true then that Altendofs still had the breakin oil in there sts's after 500 engine hrs talk about trucks that are a little rough are you blind there heaps of sh*t i saw one trailer that had the side extensions gray taped to the frame that really gives the driver some confidence that his equipment is taken care of


Never knew of any sts's that had 500hrs on them with running in oil still in them.Was told most of the 04 sts's this year finished with around 900 hrs on them.You think they ran them over half the season before changing the oilIJ Wake up and smell the coffee!! When you do go on harvest you will find you might have to put off (for a little while) the repairs and oil changes when a farmer is standing in the field wanting his crop in quickly because a storm is forecast!!!


i do go on harvest pal and yes we do cange the oil exacly when were suposed to doesnt take 5 mins to drop the oil n stick some more in in fact weve cut in the same town as Altendorfs and what a bunch of crap equipment they have got and the bit about still having run in oil in them machines was straight from a dealer that worked on there stuf i think it was the first year the 50 series were out when jan caused so much hasle about geting her lawyers on to john deere for lost work that she got a very good sicount on the next years trade