HelloFresh, Every Plate


Golden Chicken
Anyone using a meal service? I keep getting ads for a bunch of different ones. Which one did you use? Did you like it?

I see HelloFresh states you can get 9 meals free. When I clicked the link, they wanted my credit card.

Thoughts on meal services?


Farm Hand
I cook far too good to want a meal service .... not to mention how good my wife cooks - oh, and I have a daughter that went to culinary school and got her chef certificate

I don't know anyone who has used the services - but, some of them seem to have good reviews ... if you can afford them

Homestead Hustle

Farm Hand
I haven't personally used a meal service, but I'm sure they make things more convenient. I tend to cook things we can eat for a couple of nights at a time so I don't have to make something new everyday.

If you try a meal service, please let us know how you like it!


Farm Hand
We did use HelloFresh once. It was a great deal so we tried it. I canceled it after one week. I would rather buy my own groceries and then cook. I'm really picky on food.


Farm Hand
Not a fan.

As this is "FarmChat" lets be honest...their target audience "young, affluent, city dweller, single/couple with little time on their hands but wants fresh" probably is not a high percentage of the members here.

Kinda like going on a knitting forum and asking opinions on a Harley Roadking.

Are they "worth it" - again, to members here...probably not. Many have their own garden, access to a quality butcher and families. IF I was 27, lived in Seattle, Portland or San Francisco (or other hipster paradise),had a loft with a tiny kitchen and in general lived the complete opposite of my life...sure, it would be worth it. Compared to Whole Foods (or Whole Paycheck as they have been known) - there is value in this service...even without a free meal trial.

They deliver smaller portions to eliminate waste and save you the trip to a store - in places where the store is a 60 minute- adventure to get to and will involve having to carry groceries home in a basket on your scooter or bike.

Easiest way to determine is it for me - look outside, how many Bernie Sanders campaign signs do you see? If more than 5 - you better get signing up


Golden Chicken

While you made me laugh with your Bernie joke, it was a serious question. The service is for my parents. They don't get out as often as they used to. I figured others have tried these services and was looking for input.


Golden Chicken
Can your parents still cook? I have heard that Every Plate is a great service. It helps if you don't want to shop or can't. I think it's a great idea for elderly parents.