How Much Diesel Fuel Can You Transport


New member
How much diesel fuel can you transport in the back of a pickup without coming up against regulations?


Farm Hand
That can depend on where it's happening, and how it's being transported.

Having said that US federal law currently permits appropriate containers to be up to 119 gallons before it trips hazmat requirements. When does diesel fuel require placards?

However, that's the just federal law and certain states may have (much) more stringent regulations. So in the US it would be worth checking with your state's Department of Transportation or the state's department for traffic enforcement.

The other thing to keep in mind is that diesel weights ~7 pounds per gallon. So two 119-gallon containers is likely to be pushing/exceeding the payload limits of many light pickups. So if you need to transport large amounts of diesel on a routine basis a purpose-built certified fuel trailer might be a better option. There are such trailers made to be pulled behind pickups (Thunder Creek Equipment being one manufacturer of such trailers).


Bean Stalker
Depends on what ones state restriction are..some are strict some relax.