If A Farmer Gets A Pickup


New member
The last few days have been rainy. I should be fixing machinery to be ready for when planting goes again...but I have been spending it inside on the computer ordering parts and well...

I just found this book and wanted to share it. I know it looks kinda like a kids book, but good for all. It is about a farmer who gets a pickup and then what all else happens. It is fun...
www.ifafarmergetsapickup.com is the website.
Also has links to a farm comic site at www.murphyslawfarm.com --

Just figured for a rainy Friday this would make good Internet work...ha ha



Farm Hand
It always is good to get a fresh, lighthearted perspective on all this from time to time. This career path can be overwhelming at times.

Thank you for the lighthearted break, friend.


Farm Hand
I've read the book, though I can't remember when it was. It was cute. We joke about working on Murphy's Law Farm around here sometimes, because there are days that if it can go wrong, it will. It keeps us in good humor about it instead of becoming frustrated.


Farm Hand
Indeed I like reading children’s books sometimes as there can be some fascinating but simple logics that we always forget. And I just feel younger when I read them! Would love to read this one as well!