Improving tomatillo outcome


Farm Hand
I've had not had any luck with my tomatillo plants over the past two years that I've tried growing them. Is this one of those vegetables that are best grown with nursery stock? I seem to wind up with lots of blossoms, but little fruit. Would I be better off trying a hybrid?

Almost Eden

Bean Stalker
That's usually a sign that there's an issue with pollination. Try adding more plants since they require cross-pollination in order to set fruit. Tomatillos are easy to start from seed, but since they produce fruit all season long, it might be worth it to you to buy starter plants at the garden store.


Golden Chicken
It sounds like a pollination problem. You might need to attract more bees to your yard or you could try pollinating them yourself. There aren't as many varieties of the plant as you might think. It's not like the tomato which seemingly comes in endless options.