Interesting Facts about Sheep


Junior Member
1.A one-year old sheep is called a hogget

2.A two-year old sheep is called a two-tooth.

3.Sheep grow two teeth a year until they have eight.

4.If you see a sheep on its back, lend it a hand because a sheep can't get up from that position. If left on its back too long, it will eventually die.

5.President James Madison wore an inaugural jacket made from the wool of sheep raised on his Virginia farm.

6.There are About 900 different breeds of sheep

7.One pound of wool can make ten miles of yarn.

8.The small intestines from 11 sheep are needed to make 1 tennis racket.

9.Sheep have poor eyesight but an excellent sense of hearing.

10.Sheep only have lower teeth that press against an upper palette

11.Sheep make a bleating sound. A baby lamb can identify its mother by her bleat.

12.There are 150 yards (450 feet) of wool yarn in a baseball.

13.When Woodrow Wilson was President, the First Lady had sheep graze on the White House lawn to keep it neat and well trimmed.

14.Lamb is the lowest in cholesterol of all red meats.

15.Spinning wool into thread began about 5,000 years ago.

16.Ewes typically give birth to twins.

17.There are About 1 billion sheep on the planet

18.Sheep prefer running water when they drink

19.People started raising sheep over ten thousand years ago.