Is organic farming beneficial?


Farm Hand
Have you noticed that organic foods are appealing to more consumers now than ever before? If every farmer converted to organic production, we could get rid of persistent and harmful pesticides from entering the environment annually.

Smarty Plants

Farm Hand
I suppose that the counterargument is that we'll be over populated by pests, plant diseases, and weeds at that point and they'll run amok. I agree with you though, and I don't use pesticides or herbicides myself.

Jack L

Farm Hand
If every farmer converted we would see lower prices at the supermarket. This is what the consumer see's. The farmer see's a harder row to hoe in terms of the pests.


Farm Hand
I suppose that the counterargument is that we'll be over populated by pests, plant diseases, and weeds at that point and they'll run amok. I agree with you though, and I don't use pesticides or herbicides myself.
I agree with you because one method of organic pest management is through the use of species that are pest and disease-resistant. I think that for organic farming to succeed, better and more effective methods of pest control are necessary, and that probably means that it becomes more costly in the long run!