Combines JD 4400 horsepower


If you adjust the combine right you should be able to run in second gear full speed on the variable. My brother has a 4400 diesel with a 4 row wide head. He has 175-200 bushel corn and runs full speed in second gear. Power is really not a factor on the diesel 4400 combines. The diesel has the 329 engine which was used in the early 6600 combines. The biggest thing is set the concave and cylinder speed to get whole cobs. After that go like hell. You will find you will do a better job of thrashing if you keep the combine full. You may be concerned about a shoe loss if you are on hills. Don't be afraid to open the chaffer and run a few more tailings. It beats putting corn on the ground. If you are a flatlander, operating a 4400 in the conditions you described should be a breeze!!