Combines n1230 header


Dairyfarmer, There were 12-30 for the old N7 in either 79 or 80. looked just like a 8-30A. As far as the way the gearboxes and chains were IG


thanks ig if and when i upgrade i am thinking of the 70 like i told you before and now am considering looking towards a 12 row head just to be talk at the restaraunt with the morning coffee crew when i start this week i am sure i will be on the disscussion with them running the 6 row on the ole f2 oh well i got to do something to keep them nosin around dairyfarmer


I don't think early N series heads will mount to R series combines without changing the mountings. I went to the Farm Progress show the year the N6 and 12 row head were introduced. Allis also had a 7010 tractor on top of a silo. Talk about making an impression on a young kid!