Particularly vicious hawks

Urban Homestead

Bean Stalker
This year it seems like the chicken hawks are starving, determined, and vicious. My rooster is a strong boy with experience, but the hawks are giving him a run for the money and wearing him out. It's odd because normally my rooster is enough to deter them without much fuss. They used to take a look at him and just move on. It isn't working out that way this year. What can I do to help my rooster along? I haven't lost any hens yet and I'd like to keep it that way.


Golden Chicken
Been there, done that, and it's tough. Given the time of year and where you live, I'm assuming they aren't free ranging. My first suggestion is to add a decoy owl or two that you'll need to move around every day so the hawks will think they're real. If that doesn't send the hawks on their way, get some bird tape that shines brightly in the sun. It should blind the hawks just enough to keep them from swooping in. I feel your pain! Good luck!

Urban Homestead

Bean Stalker
Thanks for the help! I'll see where I can get some decoy owls. I just hope they don't scare the chickens along with the hawks.
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The Big Cowhuna

Golden Chicken
I've had that problem before and adding chicken wire to the top of their run helped tremendously. If these are free-range chickens, stop letting them out until the hawks have moved on.

Petal to the Metal

Golden Chicken
Get a few things that move like a helium balloon or a pinwheel and attach it to the top of their run or coop. The movement should help keep hawks away as they'll think it's humans moving about. I used to have a small Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Guy (real name) that worked well, so long as I gave it some distance from the run.