Possible Parasitic Infection in My Pig


Farm Hand
I think one of our pigs might have a parasite. She is having some diarrhea and seems less interested in food than usual. I'm having the vet out this week to look at her. I'm wondering if I should separate her from the other pigs or if this thing is contagious. Any thoughts?

Pinewood Acres

Farm Hand
I always separate any animal that is showing symptoms of what I like to call "something ain't right." Do you see the presence of any worms or other wiggly critters in the pigs bowl movements? Some parasites are too tiny to see like Giardiasis which is common in pigs. It might just be a stomach bug or the pig could've eaten something that caused the diarrhea. Has the vet made it out there yet to make a ruling?


Golden Chicken
Yeah, I'd isolate it and make sure it's getting enough water. I'd probably also go ahead and remove the bedding and sterilize any equipment that was used with the pigs. I might sterilize the food and water containers if possible.