Combines Question on floor pan in upper raddle


The bottom is heavier and made of more abrasive resistant steel.Gleaner also has made a panel to repair damaged or worn R62 and R72s


Yes the floor is now 1_4" thick. The replacement floor for older machines is also 1_4" and you can get the back 12" of front feed in 1_4" also. Bottom of hopper now has another layer bolted in. Discharge housing now double wall toward outside to prevent dinging up from chopper flinging things. Rear feed shaft jumped to 2" in '04. Hydro and main drive belt tentioners strengthened nicely sometime in '04. I'm sure I'm missing some more good stuff but I think I hit the main things. Take care


Thanks to you both, anything else you think of please let me know, i certainly do appreciate all your knowledge and comments.


danIJIJIJ if you welded in the new feed floor how much lower do you put it in IJIJ question for future replacements thanks tom


I tip the floor under rear tention drum down 1". I tip the floor under drive sprockets for front feed down 3_4". I make good reference marks before I cut anything. I use them measurements for that keeps everything as close as posible to in sink from full lift to full lower. I wish the company would get this done or leave floors loose for me. Hard to imagine what can go up them feeders when things have a smooth path. Much less stress and strain on things when that dog gone reverser isn't being used all the time. Take care