Combines R 52


Neighbor is running a r-52 with straddle duals with a 6-30 head it's close but it will work he likes the duals in the hills more stability and he says it rides smoother don't know we run 30.5-32's on ours had 24.5's didn't like them in hills seem to want to slide on the side hills didn't feel stable.


Are you running in cornIJ If so, on my R50 which had the same setup as your R52, I concluded that a stalk would get into the chain and sprocket and run the chain off. I made a small shield along the bottom side of the chain and that ended that problem.


look over on hyper mods and somewhere there is a picture of our design to prevent this and IF it does it won't snap the that fan shaft! We add a spring loaded idler and about 8 links of chain.


I'm just thinking back to when I had an R50 which would be just slightly smaller than the R52. In 100 bushel corn I could run 5-5.5 mph with an 8x30 cornhead. An R52 with a 6x30 in 140 bu corn should still maintain that speed or more. The acres you can do in a day will depend whether you dump on the go or can dump at the end of the field and etc. I used a 20' flexhead. I thought it matched the combine well. A 22' would also work. I'm not sure that I would go with much larger than that on a 52. With 450 hrs. there shouldn't be much wrong with the machine yet. Possibly move the cylinder bars around and check for wear on the accelerator rolls.


I have a 1995 520 flex head in very good condition for sale if you are looking for one. I can email pictures . Asking 11,000 for it. Please contact me at or call 352-494-3509 Thanks


In auction here last spring, an r5 brought $14,000 with 1800 hours, the heads are usually cheap. The 16 ft would go for $3000 (flex head) the corn head $1500. That equipment is small for our area. Depending on the day - everything could go much cheaper. SE N Dakota, l Gleaners in OK shape can sell for $1500 on auction.


What farm papers or websites cover auctions in your areaIJ Thanks. At those kind of prices, I could have one shipped east.


north carolina.highest place in USA to buy use farm equipment.if not for the midwest equipment could not farm.


combine located in north carolina,sold at sale this saturday for 40250.00