Combines starfire1 and 2


I don't have any experience with Deere's system other than a sprayer demo in fall of 05, not sure what system then but it was subscription and was very good. However talking to a few Deere operators they seem very satisfied with the free starfire 1 system unless they are in row rop vegtables or something. We are running the trimble system on waas and are very happy.


The upgrade for us from SF1 to SF2 was about $2,000, then X dollars for however long you want a subscription. (3 months was $400) It gets cheaper the longer you buy. You may want to look at the US site instead of Aussie_NZ to compare dollars. Also, I have no idea what the exchange rate is. We're using SF2 for planting row crops, SF1 works for mapping yields and broad tillage.