Combines stewart axceller kit


Hi. I totally agree with you, robmgrig. I have a 1680 with a 20 head and put an axeller kit in it last winter. We combine a lot of green stuff and work in damp condition here in Denmark.We live in an area where we often have few hours a day for combining due to the fact that we live close to the ocean and often have fog during the day.We expirience no rumble and a much higher capacity with no chokeups.By the way, we have had a terrible harvest weather, with only a few days to harvest, 4-5 good days in august ! Got done with the low spots last saturday. In the beginnig we had record high yields in winterwheat,(up to 13 tons pr. hectar) but as time went on, it went down due to the hard rain and wind.Some neighbours had to rent a combine with tracks to get the crops out.