Combines sunflowers


Find someone who sells milo guards and put them on your grain head. the milo guards bolt on with the knife guards. They stick out forward and have wires coming back over the top of the sickle. This way as the heads are cut they fall on the wires and the reel can push them in the auger trough. A corn head will not remve the sunflower head, just crush it.


The company in Hutchinson, Kansas that makes the Britton Milo Guards also makes a sunflower guard that is similar. They fasten to a ridged or even a flex header. Ive never used the sunflower guards but if they work as well as the Britton Milo Guards they would be hard to beat. The CIH dealer in Hutchinson, Kansas is a dealer for the Britton Guards. Their number is 800-658-1714.


Call Golden Plains 1-800-255-8280. They have the sun star harvesting system.It converts your corn head to a sunflower harvester. I haven't tried it but it looks like it might work. www.goldenplains.com_sunstar_ Good luck. des


corn front dont work that well at all on sunflowers been down that line fine some trays and use the grain front


Did 900 acres of sunflowers last year. the easiest and cheapest way is to get some trays and take your reel off.My trays each cover 3 fingers and are 30 in long, and bolt on in groups of three with the knife guards. Thats what I do each year. They catch most of the seed that dislodges as well as the heads.


Dad and grandpa use to grow them abought 30 yrs ago frpm what I remember they used a regualar double disk drill and blocked of ever other hole IJ I heard that they have harmony extra resistant sunflowers so that would definatly help on the weeds if that is true I have been thinking about growning some for fun they sure were nice to look at.


Check this ND State bulletin on sunflower production. Should have all you need to know to grow a few sunflowers.


Do you use a standard head to harvest the sunflowers or whatIJ


Check the link for some picture of a sunflower harvesting header.