Combines Sunnybrook high inertia cylinderIJIJIJ


Sunnybrook makes a cylinder with the rub bars cut into small pieces and staggered instead of one long rub bar. They claimed much greater separation in crops like barley, and lower horsepower requirement. This may be true, as JD has long insisted that in its pull type line of forage harvesters that 48 small knives takes less power than 12 full length knives. The local dealer says to be leary of the solid cylinders because they have no give when wads come in, so the concave takes all the abuse. Apparantly lots of concave hangers broken from solid cylinders being used.


With a standard rasb bar cyl. the bars bow between the spiders causing eratic grain thrashing and loss of power. The sunny cyl isnt really all that more heavy than the stock it just has the weight proportioned differently, closer to the outside of the cyl. I havnt heard of any broken concave hangers though, which could have been caused by too tight a clearence for the crop. If you call sunnybrooke they will send you the info on their product, Im currently thinking about purchasing one for my 9600 as well. The theory of their product makes perfect sence to me.