Combines sunnybrook sweeps


I believe your refering to what I call rotor sweeps. I beleive the gen 2 worked as well in most crops as the standard Gleaner eight bars. Sometimes better sometimes not. If pulling out a Gleaner eight bar that could be in dire need of repair and installed a new gen 2 you would certainly see immediate impovements. You would certainly have the benifit of dust not having affect on balance and you would benifit from added centrical force keeping rotor up to speed when taking a slug. Also the gen two would of had the benifit of a kicker getting the straw all the way to discharge where standard Gleaner 8 bar may not of had that rasp extended yet. You might be right about the steggered bars having a moment now and then which might do as you describe. Now if you think the sweeps were designed to stop this I would so I doubt it. In the next breath I would say they may well help this. I believe they desided to engineer their own rotor sweeps because of the good reports they were getting on CDF, Gleaner 8 bar with sweeps and the sweeps we had fabricated for the gen 2. Sunnybrook did call me and email pictures on how they would like to do it on their own rotor. They do differ a bit from the ones we fabricated to fit but should accomplish the very same thing. Sunnybrook is simply making improvements to their product just like any other manufature should be continuously doing. I hope that all makes sense.