Combines tr 99 pump turning


The fuel meetering adjustment on a Bosche inline pump is inside the governor linkage cover. Older pumps had plain screws to remove the cover newer ones have tamper resistant screws. It is illegal to set fuel higher than specified on anything built after mid 1996. The 7.5l genesis on the CR940 is running close to 330HP when the unloader is running. It is the same engine as your TR99 but with electronic controls.


are you saying what i think you are saying without saying itIJ


I wasn't saying anything then. I'm not saying anything now, except I would never contribute to the tampering of an emissionized engine.


But in the name of science and understanding of mechanics, it is possible to turn up the pump resulting in more horses which is basically what they did with the cr 840. theoretically then the '99 might have more capacity since it is lighter than the cr frame. likely the 99 is beefed up enough in its joints, and gears to handle the extra tourque as wellIJ


Theoretically yes the TR99 can run 300 engine HP no problem. The max fuel screw is under_inside the rear gov cover. The TR drivetrain is plenty heavy to handle this HP. The base package for the CR940 and CR960 final drives are no heavier than the TR99. Only the planetary option is heavier. The CR940 has the electronically moved fuel rack type Bosche pump. The electronics control of the rack positioning takes away the need for a mechanical govener. So yes they are basically just opening the fuel rack futher than the factory settings on a TR99 engine will open up. As far as capacity threshing has never been a problem in my area with the TR or CR. The cleaning shoe of the CR when set right has much more capacity than the TR cleaning shoe does. The CR940 with the 7.5l has plenty of HP for its weight as long as all of the electronic sensors are working right. If 1 sensor has a bad connection or short circuit then the controller will derate the engine to 1800 rpm and that is bad when the rotors are loaded full.