Well-made, deep wheelbarrow?


Farm Hand
Have you been shopping for a wheelbarrow lately? I've used my great-grandfather's wheelbarrow for years and it's been excellent. Unfortunately, the tire went flat, fix-a-flat no longer keeps it going, and it's so old that I can't find any new tires for it. So I've been shopping for a replacement. Unfortunately, the wheelbarrows I've found seem to be made out of resin or plastic instead of steel and wood and the containers are too shallow, so they won't hold much. If you've recently purchased a new wheelbarrow that's well-made, please let me know where you got it.

Smarty Plants

Farm Hand
I've noticed that some of the wheelbarrows at Home Depot have a shallow tray, but I think some buyers prefer that because they're lighter. What you need is a contractor-rated wheelbarrow like the Jackson M6T22. It's fairly pricey, but it's made of steel and has a deep tray so it might be worth it to you.