What is fair game/off limits?


Golden Chicken
From reading here it seems like lots of folks might not be willing to loan out machinery and other equipment. So what do you consider fair game (willing to loan or rent out) and off limits (not willing to loan out or rent out)? I think I've loaned just about everything I have once or twice. I've had to borrow before too when my tractor was down and a mechanic couldn't get to it for a while. I'm an older fella and in my community, loaning and borrowing was the norm. Anyone who took advantage was iced out real quick.

Urban Homestead

Bean Stalker
I don't have super expensive machinery like some of you guys do, but I'm pretty willing to share just about anything with the right person. I wouldn't loan so much as a DVD to some folks, but I'd loan the contents of my entire house to someone who has proven themselves trustworthy.

The Back 40

Farm Hand
Power tools are off limits.....hand tools are fair game. Everyone who knows me knows this, so they know better than to ask for something that's off limits.


Farm Hand
We would loan anything to our family and a couple of neighbors. They would do the same for us. I'm not sure if we would rent out our machinery to anyone.


Farm Hand
Everything is off limits simply because I'm running a landscape company and I need these machines for my livelihood and the livelihoods of my employees. It's expensive equipment and I have contracts to fulfill! Having said that, I do take care of my workers and will allow them to use some of the equipment on their own personal yards. If they need to use one of the big machines, then I'll gladly assist them in whatever it is they need, but I won't send them home with it. You want to borrow a mower? No problem, just sign it out. You want to borrow a backhoe? Let me know when you want me at your house with it, and I'll assist you.